CS162 - Lab 09 Solutions
- 3.1 - Integer Array – Load & Save
- 3.2 - Date Array – Load & Save
- 3.3 - Copy file
- 3.4 - Split file
- 3.5 - Merge file
- 3.6 - Bitmap File
Lab 09 - Binary File IO
- Source: PDF file
3.1 - Integer Array – Load & Save
Write a small program with $2$ features (the program should create menu options to allow user to choose one of them).
- User enters an array of integers from keyboard. The program will save the array to a binary file.
- User loads an array of integers from a binary file. The program will find the median and output to console.
Format of input.bin:
- $1$st number: $n$, number of elements in the array.
Next $n$ numbers: elements in the array.
- Solution: https://ideone.com/WcATe5
3.2 - Date Array – Load & Save
Write a small program with $2$ features (the program should create menu options to allow user to choose one of them).
- User enters an array of dates from keyboard. The program will save the array to a binary file.
- User loads an array of dates from a binary file. The program will find the newest date and output to console.
Format of input.bin:
- $1$st number: $n$, number of elements in the array.
Next $3n$ numbers: elements in the array.
- Solution: https://ideone.com/RR45st
3.3 - Copy file
Use command prompt argument and binary file IO techniques to create a MYCOPYFILE
User will enter:
MYCOPYFILE -s path_of_source_file -d path_of_destination
The destination file will have same name as the source file.
For example:
MYCOPYFILE -s D:/film.mkv -d D:/Level1/Level2/Level3
- Solution: https://ideone.com/zBGEG1
3.4 - Split file
Use command prompt argument and binary file IO techniques to create a MYSPLITFILE
User will enter:
MYSPLITFILE -s path_of_source_file -d path_of_destination -numpart x
is a positive integer number, number of splitted parts. OR
MYSPLITFILE -s path_of_source_file -d path_of_destination -sizeapart x
is a positive integer number (in bytes), size of a splitted part.
For example:
MYSPLITFILE -s D:/film.mkv -d D:/Level1/Level2/Level3 -numpart 3
MYSPLITFILE -s D:/film.mkv -d D:/Level1/Level2/Level3 -sizeapart 1000000
Names of splitted parts are: film.mkv.part01
, film.mkv.part02
, film.mkv.part03
- Solution: https://ideone.com/qT6NOb
3.5 - Merge file
Use command prompt argument and binary file IO techniques to create a MYMERGEFILE
User will enter:
MYMERGEFILE -s path_of_part01 -d path_of_destination
The program will find all *.part01
, *.part02
, *.part03
$\ldots$ files and merge into a single file. The program will print errors if there is any part does not exist.
For example:
MYMERGEFILE -s D:/Level1/Level2/Level3/film.mkv.part01 -d D:/NewLevel
- Solution: https://ideone.com/MvdXva
3.6 - Bitmap File
- Input: width and height of the flag of England
- Output: the BMP file of the flag of England
- Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_England
- Solution: Soon or NEVER.